One of the most common security failings that we see is bad passwords. If a password is too simple then it can be guessed or cracked. If a password is too complicated, then it won’t be remembered. If it can’t be remembered, the chances are it will end up on a post-it note stuck to a monitor. Bad.
This page provides a quick way of generating passwords which tread the middle line between safety and memorability. Here are 20 randomly generated passwords. Pick one you like, and use it.
repast-dragon icons2untied bogus08kinged mujiks86ansae stogy85noways hies67phenom homing37siglos tharm05blende enema16baldly kotows06corses panic&arsine brim#footed fete30hebe adobe*segues filled6unpile gentlehorsts asdic41sice loomed91ilka mors4cubism contos46voyeur
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