We repeatedly run into companies who insist they have no need for Information Security because they have no assets to protect. This is simply untrue. As a company, you hold confidential or proprietary information, and the chances are that most of it is now in electronic format. It is your duty, sometimes your legal obligation, to keep this secure. The following is a list of services that Datalude provides to determine how safe your information is, and keep it safe for you.
- Security Auditing services.
- Network penetration testing: Let us find out how secure your network is from hacking. The process is inexpensive, and serves as a starting point for discussion. After the testing you will have a report which you can give to your internal IT department for action, or you can request a quote from Datalude.
- Webserver penetration testing: As above, but limited to your webserver.
- Network Security Audit: Yes passwords are irritating, but they are there for a purpose. Let Datalude make sure that your network has the proper safeguards in place, that your server is set up correctly, that all the patches are applied to all the machines on your network, that your antivirus protection is up to date and properly scheduled, that your email is being handled securely, and that you have a proper backup procedure in place.
- Installation and Configuration:
Datalude can help you choose, set up, secure or install any of the following crucial elements of your security environment. We are not tied to any particular solution or manufacturer, and can choose the best solution for your specific circumstances. Let us help you with:- Firewalls, Routers and Intrusion Detection systems. We can help select them or configure existing ones for maximum security.
- Broadband connections. Find the best supplier to suit your needs.
- VPNs. Helping you access your business information from outside the office.
- Anti Virus software. Pain free selection and deployment for minimum maintenance.
- Wireless deployment and security.
- Backup Hardware, software and planning.
- Disaster Recovery:
When it all goes wrong, we can help with:- Data Recovery and virus removal.
- System Rebuilding.
- Contingency planning.
- Staff IT Policy documentation.
A much overlooked topic. Unless you have a formally stated IT policy, which your staff have all read and signed, then you can’t expect your staff to restrict their use of the internet. After a one hour consultation at your offices to work through a checklist, Datalude can offer you any or all of the following, tailored to your business requirements:- Internet usage policy.
- Email policy.
- Computer acceptable use policy
- Data backup policies.
- Disaster Recovery Planning
- Legal Aspects of IT security:
- Consulting on compliance and liability issues. Know what you are liable for, before you get taken to court.
- Data archiving. You may be required to archive data for a specific amount of time.
- Forensic examination of computers. If you suspect foul play, we have the expertise and knowhow to find out the real picture of what a computer’s been used for.
- Personal Training Programs
A series of personal, one-on-one training programs aimed at the individual who is at sea in the information age. These courses are intense, half day training sessions which can be conducted at your place of work or at home.- Email coping strategies: If you’re a victim of the spurious CC: or are just spending too much time every day dealing with email, deleting spam and fighting off viruses, you need to learn how to use your email program more effectively. Four hours well spent, which will save you countless hundreds of hours in the future.
- Personal Information Security: Learn how to set up and secure your home computer. Keep your information safe in a corporate environment, and learn about what your company can find out about you from your computer.
- Notebook Survival Course: Learn how to be an efficient Road Warrior. Telework, synchronise your email, dial in to your company, setup and connect to your company’s VPN, and talk to the technical department in a language they understand.